utnapistim: opening presents
utnapistim: couches
utnapistim: sad santa?
utnapistim: presents!
utnapistim: G, having something to eat
utnapistim: decorating
utnapistim: L and little santa
utnapistim: santa with no beard
utnapistim: santa with no beard
utnapistim: I., washing dishes
utnapistim: almost cooking
utnapistim: E, mixing salad
utnapistim: E, mixing a salad
utnapistim: C & I
utnapistim: E's gifts
utnapistim: the other G.
utnapistim: E & G
utnapistim: wine and tea
utnapistim: M, dressed up
utnapistim: G paying attention
utnapistim: E, C, M and I
utnapistim: M & G