ut.law97: Grosbeak the Rose-Breasted type
ut.law97: Blue Grosbeak
ut.law97: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
ut.law97: Hoser
ut.law97: Wild Turkey right profile
ut.law97: Northern Shoverlers in flight
ut.law97: Close up red-bellied woodpecker, female
ut.law97: House sparrow. Female
ut.law97: Male and female Hooded Merganser
ut.law97: Gadwall (Anas strepera)
ut.law97: Suprise! It's a Barred Owl
ut.law97: House sparrow (Excuse my poo)
ut.law97: Yummy worm
ut.law97: Northern Cardinal
ut.law97: White-breasted Nuthatch
ut.law97: Twins
ut.law97: Super Red-tailed Hawk
ut.law97: Not impressed
ut.law97: Soaring Garbage Gull
ut.law97: Sharp-shinned hawk 3
ut.law97: Wilson's snipe different view
ut.law97: Ugliest Bird in the world
ut.law97: Black and white warbler
ut.law97: Female Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon
ut.law97: Fall Downy
ut.law97: Common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)
ut.law97: Female common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)
ut.law97: Solitary Sandpiper at Shelby Bottoms
ut.law97: Black crowned Heron at Barkley Dam
ut.law97: Caspian Tern getting ready to dive in water