utinni: Expanded the offset slope wall.
utinni: Yellow behind the cheese zig-zag pattern.
utinni: Texture experiment
utinni: IMG-20131218-00359.jpg
utinni: IMG-20131218-00357
utinni: Ice Skating Pond
utinni: Texture tests
utinni: LEGO Engine Co. No. 9
utinni: LEGO Engine Co. No. 9
utinni: LEGO Engine Co. No. 9
utinni: LEGO Engine Co. No. 9
utinni: Engine Co. No. 9
utinni: IMG_20140721_074241
utinni: IMG_20140721_074158
utinni: Limb element pieces SNOT technique
utinni: Rivets
utinni: Rivets 2