UTHealth Houston: Amber and John Mackel with Sissy Boyd at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Amelie Pinard and Gaelle Auguste at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Betsy Frantz and Cathy Helm at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Charlie Parker with Cam and Rod Canion at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dandan Zhu, Celine Kong, and Yong Zhou at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dean Barbara Stoll, Dr. James T. Willerson and Shirley and Jim Dannenbaum at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dean Barbara Stoll, Dr. John Hancock, Dr. Brian Davis, and Dr. Radbod Darabi at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Debra and John Pinto at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dr. Brian Davis presenting at the IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dr. Ian Butler answering a question from the audience at the IMMpact Symposium with Dr. Pedro Mancias in the background
UTHealth Houston: Dr. John Hancock greeting guests at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dr. Keely Smith, Dudley Oldham and Dean Barbara Stoll at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dr. Radbod Darabi presenting at the 2018 IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Dudley Oldham, Dr. John Hancock, Dr. Michael Blackburn and Dean Barbara Stoll at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Guests listening to the IMMpact Symposium speakers
UTHealth Houston: Judy and Michael Tyson at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Lorine and, her son, John Wallace at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Mary and Robert Errera at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Nancy Guinee and Dr. Michael Blackburn at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Patricia and John McDonald with Dr. Brian Davis at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Peter Doris, Ashish Kapoor, Sidney Wang, and Wenliang Li at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Ron Dorchester and Mikhail Kolovin at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Sandra Longoria and Shavonnah Roberts Schreiber at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Sheng Pan, Xiaodong Cheng, and Wenliang Li at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Shirley and Jim Dannenbaum at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Suur Biliciler and Radbod Darabi at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: The 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium panel, Dr. Radbod Darabi, Dr. Pedro Mancias, Dr. Ian Butler, Dr. Suur Biliciler, Dr. Keely Smith and Dr. Brian Davis at the IMMpact Symposium
UTHealth Houston: Thebe Warren, Eva Zsigmond, and Beth Robertson at the 2018 UTHealth IMMpact Symposium