usuqa: Scruffy Pentax
usuqa: Basher Pup Pentax
usuqa: rocky-and-basher
usuqa: scruffy
usuqa: lolly
usuqa: Basher2
usuqa: Another dam itch!
usuqa: Tia's little baby...
usuqa: Yoshi in the sun..
usuqa: fluffy gucci..
usuqa: Rex sleeping
usuqa: Rex in the snow
usuqa: Yoshi
usuqa: Yoshi at night..
usuqa: A friends dog
usuqa: Tia
usuqa: Bearded Dragons
usuqa: Me n Yoshi
usuqa: Coming to daddy..
usuqa: yoshi time!
usuqa: aww the baby...
usuqa: The bearded dragon...
usuqa: Me & Yoshi outdoors :)
usuqa: gf1 yoshi off camera flash test.
usuqa: Yoshi worrying in the studio..
usuqa: deer o deer o city deer
usuqa: Yoshi's a photog to!
usuqa: What you looking at?
usuqa: Baby Raven
usuqa: Yoshi trying to steal my camera