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Row of privies on back of part of company housing proiect. Colorado Fuel & Iron Corporation, Kebler #2 Mine, Tioga, Huerfano County, Colorado.
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Children of miners. Calumet Fuel Company, Delcarbon #2 Mine, Delcarbon, Huerfano County, Colorado.
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Operation being performed by doctors in company owned hospital here. Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, Pueblo, Colorado.
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Young couple dancing at VFW dance on occasion of Fourth of July celebration. Price, Carbon County, Utah.
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Some of the entries in the beauty contest. Price is center of coal mining activities for Utah. Price, Carbon County, Utah.
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Daughter of Japanese miner who lives in company housing project. Hudson Coal Company, Hudson Mine, Sweet Mine, Carbon County, Utah.
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Group of men and boys in front of the post office waiting for the mail. Bokoshe, Le Flore County, Oklahoma.
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Some of the members of the baseball team of Exeter-Warwick Mines. Kingston Pocahontas Coal Company, Exeter Mine, Welch, McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Typical surfaced street and houses. Jewell Ridge Coal Company, Jewell Ridge Mine, Jewell Ridge, Tazewell County, Virginia.
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Mrs. Walter Rose, wife of miner, and her baby. She lives in three room, extremely dirty house. The baby probably has rickets and has never had any other food than powdered milk although he is ten months old. The company doctor has not given Mrs. Rose any
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Miner's children playing. This camp has no supervised children's activities. Adults say children are "bad"; children are all anxious for school to start. Kingston Pocahontas Coal Company, Exeter Mine, Big Sandy Housing Camp, Welch, McDowell County, West V
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Church; the building was donated by company. Kingston Pocahontas Coal Company, Warwick Mine, Welch, McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Dr. Rucker takes pulse of miner who has come in for a back-to-work slip. Patient complained of aches and pains all over; the doctor said he might have rheumatic fever, prescribed mild pain-relieving drug and signed a back-to-work slip. There was no examin
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The company store is as much a gathering and visiting spot as it is a shopping place. Gilliam Coal and Coke Company, Gilliam Mine, Gilliam McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Children of miners on the fence in front of the Howard house. Gilliam Coal and Coke Company, Gilliam Mine, Gilliam, McDowell County, West Virginia
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Children of miners playing in abandoned shack. Gilliam Coal and Coke Company, Gilliam Mine, Gilliam, McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Privy in the backyard of the Majerczyk home. Numerous privies, for which seepage pollutes small stream, create an unsanitary and unpleasant condition. U.S. Coal and Coke Company, Gary Mines, Gary, McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Miner's baby is admired by womenfolk of the community. Koppers Coal Division, Kopperston Mine, Kopperston, Wyoming County, West Virginia.
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Joshua Spradley, miner, sitting in doorway of his two rooms in garage house. He pays $10.60 per month rent, includes electricity. Mullens Smokeless Coal Company, Mullens Mine, Harmco, Wyoming County, West Virginia.
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Miners sitting in front of church. Mullens Smokeless Coal Company, Mullens Mine, Harmco, Wyoming County, West Virginia.
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Mrs. Milong Bond, wife of tipple worker, looking out her kitchen window. The company never supplies screening for houses. Mullens Smokeless Coal Company, Mullens Mine, Harmco, Wyoming County, West Virginia.
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Double row houses; garbage and trash are disposed of in this meager stream of water; there is a well and pump at each end of the row of houses. Panther Red Ash Coal Corporation, Douglas Mine, Panther, McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Bill Daniels, a miner, and his two daughters on the front porch of their three room house for which they pay $7 monthly. There is no running water in the house; the privy is used by "four or five" families and is in bad condition. Mr. Daniels has about fo
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People in the bus station. Welch, McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Welch is the shopping and entertainment center for the nearby mining camps. Welch, McDowell County, West Virginia.
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Children of miners look out the kitchen window of the Monroe Jones house. The windows have no panes, the door frames have no doors; old quilts and boxes are used during the winter for protection. Kentucky Straight Creek Coal Company, Belva Mine, abandoned
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The school house which is on company land but the building is owned by the county
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Mrs. Leanore Miller, widow of a miner, with one of her children at her kitchen window. Kentucky Straight Creek Coal Company, Belva Mine, abandoned after explosion [in] Dec. 1945, Four Mile, Bell County, Kentucky.
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Coal camp children. Dixie Darby Fuel Company, Marne Mine, Lejunior, Harlan County, Kentucky.