U.S. National Archives: Ruins of house
U.S. National Archives: Field Hospital near City Point, Va
U.S. National Archives: Bridge across Tennessee River at Chattanooga
U.S. National Archives: Artillery camp near Petersburg lines
U.S. National Archives: The "Suck", Tennessee River
U.S. National Archives: View of the Appomattox
U.S. National Archives: Graves near City Point, Va., 1864-65
U.S. National Archives: Between decks on gun boat
U.S. National Archives: Quarters of infantry company
U.S. National Archives: Officers of gun boat "Mendota"
U.S. National Archives: Group of officers
U.S. National Archives: Working party on breastworks
U.S. National Archives: General view around the lookout tower, Bermuda Hundred Lines.
U.S. National Archives: Crutchfield House and Nashville R.R. Depot, Tenn
U.S. National Archives: Bridge across the Tennessee River, built by troops Oct. 1863.
U.S. National Archives: View near Chattanooga River
U.S. National Archives: Herd of cattle for army use
U.S. National Archives: Ironworks on deck of monitor
U.S. National Archives: Gun squad on deck of monitor
U.S. National Archives: Deck of gunboat "Hunchback," U.S.N.
U.S. National Archives: Headquarters, Army of the Cumberland, Missionary Ridge
U.S. National Archives: Officers on deck of Monitor
U.S. National Archives: 200 lb. battery, Missionary Ridge
U.S. National Archives: Gun squad on deck of monitor
U.S. National Archives: Officers on deck of monitor "Mahopac"
U.S. National Archives: Breastworks near Fort Brady, Petersburg lines
U.S. National Archives: Battery near the Tennessee River
U.S. National Archives: Camp near City Point, Va
U.S. National Archives: Inside of fort