U.S. National Archives: Senate Roll Call on Child Labor Amendment, 06/02/1924
U.S. National Archives: Letter from Suzanne Heber Supporting Keating-Owen Child Labor Bill, 02/25/1916
U.S. National Archives: Letter from Lyons Township High School Students Supporting Keating-Owen Child Labor Bill, 03/07/1916
U.S. National Archives: Letter from Marshall Dilling Opposing Keating-Owen Child Labor Bill, 03/20/1916
U.S. National Archives: Petition from the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs recommending a study of child labor, 03/16/1906
U.S. National Archives: Petition from the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs in Favor of Child Labor Reform, 12/21/1907
U.S. National Archives: Letter from Operatives of Cherokee Falls Manufacturing Company Cotton Mill in Opposition to Keating-Owen Child Labor Bill, 01/18/1916
U.S. National Archives: A photograph of 7-year-old Tommie Noonan demonstrating the advantages of the Ideal Necktie Form, 04/13/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph taken after midnight, 04/17/1912
U.S. National Archives: Child Labor Pamphlet, 1913
U.S. National Archives: Petition Against the Proposed Child Labor Amendment, 04/09/1924
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Joseph Bernstein, a ten year old news-boy, 04/10/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Earle Frere, a young truant selling extra during school hours, 04/15/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of a group of news-boys selling on the Capitol steps, 04/11/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Earle Griffith and Eddie Tahoory, working for the Dime Messenger Service in Washington D.C., 04/11/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Joseph O'Conner, a 12 year old truent, 04/15/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of news-boys selling near the Capitol building, 04/10/1912
U.S. National Archives: State Ratifications of Child Labor Amendment, 1924 - 1937
U.S. National Archives: Gum vendors still selling, near the National Theater, 04/11/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of William Lerch, 7 year old news-boy who sells for his brother., 04/15/1912
U.S. National Archives: Letter from National Child Labor Committee Regarding Child Labor Reform, 08/21/1914
U.S. National Archives: Letter from Godfrey Cabot Regarding Child Labor, 05/13/1908
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Louis Gabriel (13 years old) and brother Eddie (10 years old) and Johnnie (7 years old), 04/10/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Sam Maddox, Western Union No. 227, 04/10/1912
U.S. National Archives: Letter from James W. Houston and Others Supporting Child Labor Bill for District of Columbia, 04/14/1908
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of a 7 year old news-boy (William Parralla), 04/14/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of 5 year old Willie (William Frederick Tear, 490 Louisiana Ave.) one of Washington's youngest news-boys, 04/16/1912
U.S. National Archives: View of Red Light District on C Street, N.W. near 13th, with Griffin Veatch who was showing the photographer around No. 6 Special Messenger Service, 04/16/1912
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Wilbur H. Woodward, Western Union Messenger 236, 04/11/1912
U.S. National Archives: HJ Res 184, Proposing a Constitutional Amendment Limiting Child Labor, 1924