U.S. National Archives: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. There aren't any Christmas trees for the barracks room . . ., 12/24/1943
U.S. National Archives: San Lorenzo, California. Farm laborer with his little son a few days prior to evacuation from this . . ., 05/05/1942
U.S. National Archives: San Bruno, California. Young evacuees at this assembly center are happy to get their pictures taken., 06/16/1942
U.S. National Archives: Florin, California. Two of the nine soldiers of Japanese ancestry, now in the Army of the United St . . ., 05/10/1942
U.S. National Archives: Centerville, California. Grandmother of farm family awaits evacuation bus. Evacuees of Japanese an . . ., 05/09/1942
U.S. National Archives: Hayward, California. Farmer of Japanese ancestry is showing his identification card to a Wartime Ci . . ., 05/08/1942
U.S. National Archives: San Francisco, California. Inhabitants of the Japanese section wave farwell at the departure of the . . ., 04/19/1942
U.S. National Archives: Oakland, California. Arranging flowers for alter on last day of service at Japanese Independent Con . . ., 04/26/1942
U.S. National Archives: Two Children of the Mochida Family, with Their Parents, Awaiting Evacuation Bus
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of a merchant from Chinese Business Partnership Case File for Quong Lee Company., 1896
U.S. National Archives: San Francisco, California. Many children of Japanese ancestry attended Raphael Weill public School, . . ., 04/20/1942
U.S. National Archives: [RS 27464, Chin Quan Chan; Seattle District, Chinese Exclusion Act Case Files, Applications to Reenter, c. 1892-1900]: Chin Quan Chan Family, Chinese Exclusion Act Case File, circa 1911,
U.S. National Archives: This Chinese soldier, age 10, with heavy pack, is a member of a Chinese division which is boarding planes at the North Airstrip, Myitkyina, Burma, bound for China., 12/05/1944
U.S. National Archives: Filipino children make friends with two Naval officers in downtown Manila, hoping for a gift in return., 05/1945
U.S. National Archives: Para-rescue technician talks to Thai children who were attracted by the helicopter's landing., 06/05/1972
U.S. National Archives: Photograph of Chun Jan Yut with His Father Chun Duck Chin, 1899
U.S. National Archives: The Great Battle at Yang Tsun, 10/10/1900 - 10/12/1900