US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Ambassador Lane speaks to WFP reps in Cambodia
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Fortified Vegetable Oil supplied by the U.S.
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Ambassador Lane speaks to WFP reps in Cambodia
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Fortified vegetable oil
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Journalists visit WFP warehouse
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Ambassador Lane speaks to WFP reps in Cambodia
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Warehouse visit
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Split Yellow Pea - source of protein
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Ambassador David Lane
US Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome:
Food stocks