Danny Farmer: Our first adventure into the underbelly!
Danny Farmer: The way of the sub
Danny Farmer: Theodore Roosevelt Park
Danny Farmer: Waiting for the museum to open
Danny Farmer: Stop for coffee
Danny Farmer: Beyond planet earth!
Danny Farmer: Our trip to MARS!
Danny Farmer: Space....
Danny Farmer: Spaceballz
Danny Farmer: The subway
Danny Farmer: It's in the details
Danny Farmer: Impassive
Danny Farmer: Street vending like a boss
Danny Farmer: How they want you to think the gallery will be like
Danny Farmer: What the gallery is REALLY like
Danny Farmer: THE Starry night upclose
Danny Farmer: Lady in waiting...
Danny Farmer: Let me in"spire" you?
Danny Farmer: Night Lights
Danny Farmer: Tareaus
Danny Farmer: NY @ night
Danny Farmer: Rainy congestion
Danny Farmer: Empire @ night
Danny Farmer: By the cab light...
Danny Farmer: a foggy Central Park
Danny Farmer: You little benches!
Danny Farmer: Ornate