Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Pearl Harbor survivor, 8 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Ewa Airfield hangar on fire, 7 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Burning airplane, 7 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Destroyed automobile, December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Pearl Harbor Hangars and Airplanes, 8 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Destroyed Airplane, 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Destruction at Ewa Field, 7 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Destroyed Airplane, 7 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Destroyed Airplane, 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Damaged Ambulance, 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Destroyed Automobile, 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Battery G, 3d Defense Battalion, Pearl Harbor, 1940
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Letter to the folks back home, 1 January 1942
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Telegram, 12 December 1941
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Attack on Pearl Harbor, Official Report, 1 September 1945
Archives Branch, USMC History Division: General Mess Bill of Fare, NAS, Kaneohe Bay, 7 December 1941