U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Status of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) Animal Health System Evaluations Conducted by Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), March 2017
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Countries Where USAID Funded Cash and Voucher Projects through the Emergency Food Security Program in Fiscal Year 2015 and Project Funding Levels for Fiscal Years 2010-2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Examples of Reasons Cited by USAID Implementing Partners for Deeming Cash Transfers or Food Vouchers to Be More Appropriate Than In-kind Food Distributions
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Implementing Partner Representatives Conducting Distribution Monitoring for a USAID Emergency Food Security Program Cash Transfer Project in Liberia
U.S. GAO: Figure 5: Implementing Partner Representatives Conducting Postdistribution Monitoring for USAID Emergency Food Security Program Cash Transfer Projects in Kenya
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: SNAP U.S. Estimated Improper Payment Rate for Benefits Paid in Fiscal Years 2005 – 2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Cumulative Number of Confirmed Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED)-Positive Premises Reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 5, 2014 through September 5, 2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Examples of Lunches Provided Pursuant to the New Content and Nutrition Requirements
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Examples of Breakfasts Provided Pursuant to New Content and Nutrition Requirements
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Participation Changes Since School Year (SY) 2000-2001 in the National School Lunch Program for SY 2000-2001 through 2013-2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Participation in the National School Lunch Program by Category of Student, School Years 2000-2001 through 2013-2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Examples of Assets Created through U.S.-Funded Title II World Food Program Food-for-Assets Activities in Ethiopia and Djibouti
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Timeline of the Modifications Made to the Ongoing Syria Regional Award, from July 2012
U.S. GAO: Figure 10: Planned Results and Status of a Key USAID/Haiti Ports Sector Infrastructure Activity
U.S. GAO: Figure 11: Planned Results and Status of a Key USAID/Haiti Food Security Sector Infrastructure Activity
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Countries in Which USAID Funded Cash and Voucher Projects through Emergency Food Security Program Funding in Fiscal Year 2014 and Their Levels of Such Funding for Fiscal Years 2010 through 2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: World Food Programme (WFP) Funding for Cash-Based Food Assistance, 2010 through 2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Highest Income and Other Crop Insurance Participants' Percentage of Premiums by Crop, 2009 through 2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Estimated Federal Government Crop Insurance Costs per Dollar of Expected Crop Value for 2005 through 2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Average County Target Premium Rates for the Federal Crop Insurance Program by Groups of 20 Percent, 2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Foreign Office Locations
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Inspections of Foreign Food Facilities Compared with FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Scenarios
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Inspections of Foreign Food Facilities in 2014
U.S. GAO: GAO's 2015 High Risk List: Improving Federal Oversight of Food Safety
U.S. GAO: U.S. Trade Capacity Building (TCB) Funding Obligated for African Growth and Opportunity Act Countries by Category, 2001-2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 6: Sub-Saharan African Countries Supported by USAID-Funded Regional Trade Hubs, as of December 2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: WIC Maximum Monthly Infant Formula Amounts
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Categories of Foods Available under WIC Food Packages
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Key Food Safety Working Group Activities and Related Actions
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Total Number of Targeted Samples of Domestic and Imported Foods Tested for Pesticide Residues by FDA, Fiscal Years 1993 through 2012