U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Simplified Depiction of the Department of Veterans Affairs' Applications and Viewers for Prescribing and Dispensing Outpatient Medications
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Examples of Data Sources Used to Detect Improper Insurance Payments
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Exercise and Funding Trends for the Combatant Commanders Exercise Engagement and Training Transformation Account, fiscal years 2013-16
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Supplemental Security Income Recipient Households by Household Type, May 2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Comparison of Software Development Projects' Percentage of Planned Delivery Every Six Months Reported on IT Dashboard and to GAO for Fiscal Year 2016
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: 2020 Census Decision Inventory as of April 2016
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Overview of the Census Bureau’s Plans and Assumptions for the 2020 Census, as of October 6, 2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Simplified Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Administrative Appeal and Litigation Process
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Number of Cloud Service Contracts That Met All 10 Key Practices at Selected Agencies
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Agencies' Total Data Centers and Completed and Planned Closures (fiscal years 2010 through 2019), as of November 2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Agencies' Progress against OMB Data Center Optimization Metric Targets
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: DOD Components Reporting of Contracts That Included Activities Closely Associated with Inherently Governmental Functions Differed Significantly in Fiscal Year 2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: DOD Technology Management Process
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Notional Mapping of Portfolio Constructs
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Integrated Reviews Would Include Information from the Requirements, Acquisition, and Budget Communities
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Army Reserve and Army National Guard Backlog of Formal and Informal Line of Duty Investigations as of January 2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Frequency with Which Agency Leaders and Other Key Contributors Participate in Review Meetings, as Reported by Agencies
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: How Applicants Will File for Benefits Using USCIS ELIS
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Summary of IT Spending by Fiscal Year from 2010 through 2015 (Dollars in Billions)
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Aircraft Diagram Showing Internet Protocol Connectivity Inside and Outside of Aircraft
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Types of Agency Data Systems Used to Collect Data on Grant Proposals and Awards
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Number of Requirements per Key IT Management Area
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Visual Representation of Data Themes in a Geographic Information System
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Overview of the National Geospatial Data Asset Portfolio
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Overview of Systems Supporting the Federally Facilitated Marketplace
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Overview of the CMS Traceability Hierarchy for the FFM and DSH Systems
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Operational Performance of IRS's Major IT Investments
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Amount of Department of Energy Financial Assistance Awards, by Contractor Type, Fiscal Years 2009-2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Health Care Transaction Flow from Health Care Providers to Payers
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker–Enterprise Suite (SPOT-ES) Schedule Delays