U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Obligations in Three Major Categories, Fiscal Years 2008 through 2016
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Exercise and Funding Trends for the Combatant Commanders Exercise Engagement and Training Transformation Account, fiscal years 2013-16
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Helicopters Loaded on Vessel during Pacific Pathway 16-1
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: An Illustration of Key Components and Users of the United States' National Air Space
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Expert Views on What Fees User Groups Should be Required to Pay for Air Traffic Control Services
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Funding Sources for the 2012 through 2014 Memorial Day and Fourth of July Concerts on the U.S. Capitol Grounds
U.S. GAO: Figure 5: Notional Routes from Point of Departure of Department of Defense Aircraft Used for the President's February 2013 Trip to Illinois and Florida
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Common Categories Identified under Category Management, Fiscal Year 2014 Spending (dollars in billions)
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Fiscal Year 2015 Actual and Potential Spending and Savings through the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiatives
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Total Deck Area Accounts for the Size of Bridges
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Percentage of Total Deck Area on Highway Bridges in Each State That Is Structurally Deficient, 2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Breakdown of $2.9 Billion between Fiscal Years 2013 and 2021 for Army Strategy to Address Patriot Capability Needs
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Cybersecurity Funding at IRS, Fiscal Years 2014 Estimated, 2015 Actual, 2016 Enacted, and 2017 Requested (Dollars in Millions)
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Major Information Technology Investments by Funding Source, Fiscal Year 2017 Requested (Dollars in Millions)
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Agencies' Total Data Centers and Completed and Planned Closures (fiscal years 2010 through 2019), as of November 2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Agencies' Progress against OMB Data Center Optimization Metric Targets
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Comparison of DOD Obligations on Contracts for Products and Services for Fiscal Years 2010 through 2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 4: Comparison of DOD Obligations on Contracts for Selected Products and Top Three Portfolio Groups of Services in Fiscal Year 2014
U.S. GAO: DATA Act: How are federal agencies working to make data on trillions of dollars in spending more accurate and transparent?
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: USPS Revenue and Expenses, Fiscal Years 1972-2015
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Judiciary Obligations by Account, Fiscal Year 2014
U.S. GAO: Trend in EPA Remedial Action Project Completions and Construction Completions at Nonfederal National Priorities List Sites, Fiscal Years 1999 through 2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Total Federal Obligations for 78 Low-Income Programs Compared with Selected Social Insurance Programs, Fiscal Year 2013
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Top Five Offices of Inspector General (OIG) Submitting Requests for Analysis
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Notional Mapping of Portfolio Constructs
U.S. GAO: Figure 6: Extent of Competition for Fiscal Year 2014 Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Obligations
U.S. GAO: Figure 2: Comparison of Budget Estimates for Nuclear Modernization Activities in the National Nuclear Security Administration's Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 Budget Materials
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Marine Corps Fiscal Year 2012 General Fund Appropriations Received
U.S. GAO: Figure 1: Departments of Defense (DOD) and Energy (DOE) 10-Year Estimates for Sustaining and Modernizing the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent as of May 2014
U.S. GAO: Figure 3: Shifts in Responsibility for Contracting and Review of Assisted Acquisition Interagency Agreement (IAA) Awards, 2011-2013