USFWS Pacific: Aerial view of Palmyra Atoll. Photo credit: USGS
USFWS Pacific: Aerial View of Palmyra Atoll
USFWS Pacific: Aerial video of Palmyra Atoll from plane: Video credit: Mele Khalsa / Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Video of Palmyra Atoll coconut palm tree dominated landscape - taken from boat. Video credit: Mele Khalsa / Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Aerial showing the dominant spread of coconut palm trees at Palmyra Atoll. Photo credit: The Nature Conservancy
USFWS Pacific: Team members on a swept plot. Photo credit: Lauren Pederson/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: The team poses next to the millionth palm tree. Photo credit: FWS
USFWS Pacific: Coconut control volunteers at work. Photo credit: USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Video of volunteer clearing palm trees. Video credit: Mele Khalsa / Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Timelapse of juvenile palms clearing. Video credit: Ryan Rash/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Coconut Control Crew volunteer scopes out plot before clearing. Photo credit: USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Native plants emergence on controlled plot. Photo by USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Partially swept plot 94. Photo credit: Ryan Rash/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Native trees amidst swept palms. Photo credit: USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Ideal mixed native forest. Photo credit: USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Pisonia nursery. Photo credit: Katie Franklin / The Nature Conservancy
USFWS Pacific: Native plants nursery at Palmyra Atoll. Photo credit: Cara Byington
USFWS Pacific: Transport of nursery plants to be planted. Photo credit: USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Pisonia seedlings ready to be planted. Photo credit: Sarah Glover / The Nature Conservancy
USFWS Pacific: Canopy of Pisonia grandis. Photo Credit: USFWS/Andrew S. Wright
USFWS Pacific: Grove of Pisonia grandis. Photo Credit: USFWS / Andrew S. Wright
USFWS Pacific: Coconut crab exploring the root structure of Pisonia grandis. Photo credit: Andrew S. Wright / USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Native forest recovery at Palmyra Atoll. Photo Credit: Mele Khalsa / Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Field team members approach a native tree dominated island for post-treatment follow up monitoring. Photo credit: Mele Khalsa / Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Red-footed boobies nesting on heliotrope trees. Photo credit: Mele Khalsa / Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Palmyra Atoll welcome sign. Photo credit: Katie Franklin / The Nature Conservancy
USFWS Pacific: Manta ray at Palmyra Atoll. Photo credit: Kydd Pollock / The Nature Conservancy
USFWS Pacific: Manta rays swimming close to shoreline at Palmyra Atoll. Photo credit: Sarah Glover
USFWS Pacific: Coconut crab climbing Pisonia tree. Video credit: Kydd Pollock / The Nature Conservancy
USFWS Pacific: Video of white tern flying in native forest at Palmyra Atoll. Video credit: Mele Khalsa / Island Conservation