USFWS Pacific: Chondria sample from Midway Atoll NWR. Photo credit: Kevin O'Brien/PMDP
USFWS Pacific: Chondria smothering corals at Pearl & Hermes Atoll. Photo credit: Brian Hauk/NOAA
USFWS Pacific: A coral getting smothered by Chondria at Pearl & Hermes Atoll. Photo credit: Heather Spalding/College of Charleston
USFWS Pacific: Chondria smothering a coral at Pearl & Hermes Atoll. Photo credit: Heather Spalding/College of Charleston
USFWS Pacific: Chondria smothers a coral at Midway Atoll. Photo credit: James Morioka/NOAA
USFWS Pacific: Chondria spreading over shallow sandy soil at Midway Atoll. Photo credit: James Morioka/NOAA
USFWS Pacific: Chondria growing over lobe coral. Photo credit: Heather Spalding/College of Charleston