USFWS Pacific: Bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
USFWS Pacific: Bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
USFWS Pacific: Bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
USFWS Pacific: California bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
USFWS Pacific: California bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
USFWS Pacific: California bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
USFWS Pacific: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge is home to California bighorn sheep.
USFWS Pacific: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge is home to California bighorn sheep.
USFWS Pacific: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge is home to California bighorn sheep.
USFWS Pacific: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge is home to California bighorn sheep.
USFWS Pacific: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge is home to California bighorn sheep.
USFWS Pacific: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge is home to California bighorn sheep.
USFWS Pacific: Bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
USFWS Pacific: Bighorn sheep at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge