USFWS Pacific: Killdeer Adult with younglings at Julia Butler Hansen Refuge
USFWS Pacific: Julia Butler Hansen NWR
USFWS Pacific: Julia Butler Hansen NWR
USFWS Pacific: Julia Butler Hansen NWR
USFWS Pacific: Tree Swallow at Julia Butler Hansen NWR
USFWS Pacific: Tree Swallow at Julia Butler Hansen NWR
USFWS Pacific: Northern harrier, southwest Washington
USFWS Pacific: Red-breasted sapsucker
USFWS Pacific: Lazuli bunting in southwest Washington
USFWS Pacific: Columbian white-tailed doe and fawn
USFWS Pacific: Evening grosbeak in southwest Washington
USFWS Pacific: Greater yellowlegs
USFWS Pacific: Greater yellowlegs
USFWS Pacific: Greater yellowlegs
USFWS Pacific: Greater yellowlegs
USFWS Pacific: Greater yellowlegs
USFWS Pacific: Greater yellowlegs
USFWS Pacific: Columbian White-tailed Deer
USFWS Pacific: Columbian White-tailed Deer
USFWS Pacific: Columbian White-tailed Deer
USFWS Pacific: Red-shouldered hawk
USFWS Pacific: Red-shouldered hawk
USFWS Pacific: Columbian White-tailed Deer
USFWS Pacific: Columbian White-tailed Deer
USFWS Pacific: Greater yellowlegs
USFWS Pacific: Columbian White-tailed Deer
USFWS Pacific: Columbian White-tailed Deer
USFWS Pacific: Rufous hummingbird
USFWS Pacific: Rufous hummingbird
USFWS Pacific: Anna's hummingbird in Washington