USFWS Pacific: The helicopter arrives near the montane burrows. Photo credit: Andre Raine/Kauaʻi Endangered Seabird Recovery Project
USFWS Pacific: Hawaiian petrel being carefully removed from its burrow. Photo credit: Nick Holmes/Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Newell's shearwater chick in burrow. Photo credit: Andre Raine/Kauaʻi Endangered Seabird Recovery Project
USFWS Pacific: Newells Shearwater chick. Photo credit: Andre Raine/Kauaʻi Endangered Seabird Recovery Project
USFWS Pacific: Newell's shearwater chick. Photo credit: Nick Holmes/Kaua'i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project
USFWS Pacific: Photo credit: Nick Holmes/Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Biologist carefully transported the chicks to the waiting helicopter. Photo credit: Nick Holmes/Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Photo credit: Nick Holmes/Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: With precious cargo on board, the helicopter heads down the mountain. Photo credit: Nick Holmes/Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: The view from the helicopter. Photo credit: Nick Holmes/Island Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Catching a ride. Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: From the car to their new home. Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: Seabird-friendly nest boxes, specifically designed to mimic natural burrows, have been installed. Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: After a Newell's shearwater chick was placed in it's new home, the lid was placed on their burrow. Photo credit: Jen Waipa/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: After a Newell's shearwater chick was placed in it's new home, the lid was placed on their burrow. Photo credit: Jen Waipa/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: The Newell's shearwater chicks all safely tucked into their new homes, with an ocean view! Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation
USFWS Pacific: The team. Photo credit: Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation