USFWS Pacific: Searching for wisdom.
USFWS Pacific: Return of the Short-tailed Albatross
USFWS Pacific: Return of the Short-tailed Albatross
USFWS Pacific: Catching a Laysan Albatross
USFWS Pacific: Return of the Short-tailed Albatross
USFWS Pacific: Celebrating the Window
USFWS Pacific: Celebrating the Window
USFWS Pacific: Laysan Albatross!
USFWS Pacific: Wyland and Earle on Midway
USFWS Pacific: Group Shot at the Sea Turtle Mural
USFWS Pacific: Wyland gets to work
USFWS Pacific: Wyland and nesting Laysan albatross.
USFWS Pacific: Laysan Albatross over water.
USFWS Pacific: Dr. Sylvia Earle with USFWS Deputy Refuge Manager John Klavitter in the background.
USFWS Pacific: Dr. Sylvia Earle communes with a nesting Laysan albatross on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge.
USFWS Pacific: Wyland with Cindy McArthur of USFS.
USFWS Pacific: Vast albatross nesting colony on Midway Atoll.
USFWS Pacific: Ulua Swarm!
USFWS Pacific: Wyland/Earle Dive Ulua & Shark
USFWS Pacific: Shark at Kronos Reef
USFWS Pacific: Wyland/Earle First Dive Together! Midway Atoll
USFWS Pacific: John Klavitter
USFWS Pacific: Outbound for the Deep!
USFWS Pacific: Anticipation of the Dive
USFWS Pacific: cindy michelle
USFWS Pacific: Walking the Beach at Midway Atoll
USFWS Pacific: Wyland and plastic, Hawaiian Monk Seal (background)
USFWS Pacific: Wyland and plastic, Hawaiian Monk Seal (background)
USFWS Pacific: Hawaiian Monk Seal
USFWS Pacific: Dr. Sylvia Earle Removes Plastic Debris