USFWS Pacific: Common yellowthroat
USFWS Pacific: Evening grossbeak
USFWS Pacific: Common yellowthroat in flight
USFWS Pacific: Red-winged Blackbird
USFWS Pacific: Anna's Hummingbird
USFWS Pacific: Common Yellowthroat
USFWS Pacific: Spotted Towhee
USFWS Pacific: Yellow-rumped Warbler
USFWS Pacific: Tree Swallow
USFWS Pacific: Tree Swallow
USFWS Pacific: Yellow-rumped Warbler
USFWS Pacific: Red-winged Blackbird
USFWS Pacific: Red-winged Blackbird
USFWS Pacific: Western Meadowlark
USFWS Pacific: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
USFWS Pacific: White-crowned Sparrow
USFWS Pacific: Black-capped Chickadee with Insect
USFWS Pacific: Black-capped Chickadee with Insect
USFWS Pacific: Orange-crowned Warbler
USFWS Pacific: Orange-crowned Warbler
USFWS Pacific: Orange-crowned Warbler
USFWS Pacific: Western Bluebirds
USFWS Pacific: Western Bluebirds
USFWS Pacific: Western Bluebirds
USFWS Pacific: Western Bluebirds on Box
USFWS Pacific: Tree Swallow
USFWS Pacific: Western Bluebirds
USFWS Pacific: Western Bluebird
USFWS Pacific: Akiapolaau
USFWS Pacific: Akepa