USFWS Pacific: Checking adult coho salmon male for sperm
USFWS Pacific: Checking adult female coho salmon for spawning
USFWS Pacific: Adult coho salmon females
USFWS Pacific: Removing eggs from female coho salmon
USFWS Pacific: Adding sperm to fertilize coho salmon eggs
USFWS Pacific: Adding sperm to fertilize coho salmon eggs
USFWS Pacific: Sperm and Eggs in bucket
USFWS Pacific: Adding water to the fish egg and sperm mixture
USFWS Pacific: Fertilized coho salmon eggs
USFWS Pacific: Individual buckets with eggs from one coho adult female
USFWS Pacific: Pooling fertilized eggs from six bucket into one
USFWS Pacific: Carrying fertilized coho salmon eggs to hatchery building
USFWS Pacific: Adding water to rinse fertilized coho salmon eggs
USFWS Pacific: Rinsing eggs after eggs are fertilized
USFWS Pacific: Rinsing eggs after eggs are fertilized
USFWS Pacific: Final rinse of eggs using an iodine solution
USFWS Pacific: Coho salmon eggs placed in iodine solution
USFWS Pacific: Coho Salmon eggs placed in iodine solution
USFWS Pacific: Egg trough with fertilized coho salmon eggs