USFWS Pacific: Spring Creek Tule Fall Chinook Released into the Columbia River
USFWS Pacific: Service Hatchery Staff 'Crowd' Juvenile Salmon Out of a Raceway for Their Eventual Release
USFWS Pacific: And They're Off! Opening a Raceway Gate
USFWS Pacific: Navigating the Channel: The Last Leg in a Young Salmon's Exit from the Hatchery
USFWS Pacific: Removing pre-smolts from Hatchery raceways
USFWS Pacific: Tule fall Chinook salmon release
USFWS Pacific: Nets are lowered into raceways
USFWS Pacific: Release Day
USFWS Pacific: Hatchery workers release salmon
USFWS Pacific: the gate is lifted
USFWS Pacific: Salmon enter the release channel
USFWS Pacific: Hatchery workers release salmon
USFWS Pacific: Salmon smolts swim in the Columbia
USFWS Pacific: Salmon smolts entering the Columbia
USFWS Pacific: Salmon smolts entering the Columbia River
USFWS Pacific: tule fall Chinook salmon smolts
USFWS Pacific: Salmon Release
USFWS Pacific: 250,000 tule fall Chinook salmon smolts
USFWS Pacific: Salmon Release
USFWS Pacific: Salmon Release