USFWS Pacific: Blue fin Trevally - Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
USFWS Pacific: Red fish - Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
USFWS Pacific: Red pencil urchin - Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
USFWS Pacific: Reef fish - Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
USFWS Pacific: Sharks - Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
USFWS Pacific: Endangered Hawaiian monk seal. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Green sea turtles. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Green sea turtles. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: White terns. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Red-footed booby. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Laysan albatross chick and mom. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Marine debris collected from Midway Atoll. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Marine debris. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Black footed albatross chick with plastics. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Endangered monk seal and Laysan albatross. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Spinner dolphins. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: White tern chick. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Black-footed albatross pair. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Great frigatebirds and red-footed boobies at Tern Island
USFWS Pacific: Brown booby. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Bonin petrel. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Lobster near Tern Island
USFWS Pacific: Eastern Island. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Nesting albatross and the Battle of Midway Memorial. Photo credit: Dan Clark/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Tern Island Scene
USFWS Pacific: White-tipped reef sharks, Tern Island
USFWS Pacific: Reef scene, Tern Island
USFWS Pacific: Brewster's brown booby, and red-footed booby
USFWS Pacific: Endangered Hawaiian monk seal. Photo credit: Megan Nagel/USFWS
USFWS Pacific: Pair of Masked Boobies, Sula dactylatra, 'A