USFWS Pacific: Chinook at Little White Salmon hatchery
USFWS Pacific: Chinook at Little White Salmon hatchery
USFWS Pacific: Western tiger swallowtails in Columbia Gorge
USFWS Pacific: USFWS director visits Washington fish hatchery
USFWS Pacific: USFWS director visits Washington fish hatchery
USFWS Pacific: USFWS director visits Washington fish hatchery
USFWS Pacific: USFWS director visits Washington fish hatchery
USFWS Pacific: USFWS director visits Washington fish hatchery
USFWS Pacific: Japanese exchange student helps out
USFWS Pacific: Data Collection
USFWS Pacific: Catching the salmon
USFWS Pacific: Scientific sampling
USFWS Pacific: Fish eggs
USFWS Pacific: Tracking data
USFWS Pacific: Volunteers from around the world
USFWS Pacific: Data collection
USFWS Pacific: Oxygen is added
USFWS Pacific: DSCN2043 - Copy
USFWS Pacific: Weight
USFWS Pacific: Egg collection
USFWS Pacific: Milt collection
USFWS Pacific: Science is our middle name
USFWS Pacific: Females for harvesting
USFWS Pacific: Spring Chinook Salmon egg collection
USFWS Pacific: Risa displays her fish
USFWS Pacific: Sunrise in the Columbia River Gorge
USFWS Pacific: Herding Salmon
USFWS Pacific: Ribbon cutting for ADA Fishing Platform