U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond restoration - dredging sand from the pond
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: St. Rose High School students seining at Wreck Pond, N.J.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Quadrant sampling at Wreck Pond, N.J.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond fish monitoring - moving captured fish from fyke net into buckets (New Jersey)
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond fish monitoring - holding a spawning alewife (New Jersey)
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond fish monitoring - weighing eels (New Jersey)
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond - Captain Al Modjeski of American Littoral Society monitors water quality (New Jersey)
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond fish monitoring - measuring an alewife herring (New Jersey)
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Alewife young of the year - fall monitoring
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond Inlet restoration project, New Jersey
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Wreck Pond restoration - preparing the site for box culvert
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Dune restoration at Wreck Pond Inlet
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Dune restoration at Wreck Pond Inlet
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Dune restoration at Wreck Pond Inlet
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Dune restoration at Wreck Pond Inlet
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Aerial view of the nearly complete Wreck Pond dunes restoration project - October 2016
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Aerial view of the Wreck Pond dunes restoration project - October 2016
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Aerial of the Wreck Pond culvert installation to connect pond and ocean - October 2016
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Aerial of the Wreck Pond dunes restoration project - October 2016
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Aerial of the Wreck Pond dunes restoration project - October 2016