U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Monarch Butterfly on New England Aster
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Photo of the Week - Aphrodite fritillary on milkweed
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Photo of the Week - American Painted Lady
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Purple Coneflower & American Painted Lady
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Photo of the Week - Honeybee on a purple coneflower
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: A monarch caterpillar and a bee on milkweed
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Photo of the Week - Dragonfly at Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge, RI
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Photo of the Week - Monarch caterpillar at the Northeast Regional Office, MA
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Photo of the Week - Spider at John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge, RI
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetles
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Ciccada killer wasp with ciccada