USFWS Mountain Prairie: Tiger Stamp
USFWS Mountain Prairie: #IvoryCrush
USFWS Mountain Prairie: The Crusher Has Arrived!
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Rocky Mountain Arsenal where the Ivory Crush event is being held
USFWS Mountain Prairie: World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) constructing scaffolding which will display a life sized herd of elephants.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) constructing scaffolding which will display a life sized herd of elephants.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Tower where poached ivory tusks will be displayed before crushing.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Tent setup next to crusher.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory stockpile slated for destruction in the crush.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Carved ivory tusk stockpile slated for destruction in the crush.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Intricate carvings of contraband ivory slated for destruction in the crush.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory Crush
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory stockpile slated for destruction in the crush.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Elephants are being slaughtered for ivory and other parts at unprecedented rates.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Steve Oberholtzer, USFWS Special Agent in Charge, Office of Law Enforcement discussing the illegal ivory trafficking with reporters.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Seized ivory slated for destruction in the crush.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Steve Oberholtzer, USFWS Special Agent in Charge, Office of Law Enforcement discussing the ivory trafficking with reporters.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Many other items besides ivory are held at the repository
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Confiscated ivory jewelry slated for destruction in the crush.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory stockpile slated for destruction in the crush.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Rich Ruggiero, USFWS International Affairs, Chief of Africa Branch being interviewed by reporters.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Edward Grace, USFWS Deputy Assistant Director for Law Enforcement discussing the ivory.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Edward Grace, USFWS Deputy Assistant Director for Law Enforcement discussing the ivory.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory Crush 2013
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory Crush 2013
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory Crush 2013
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory Crush 2013
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Ivory Crush 2013
USFWS Mountain Prairie: The wall begins