U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Boardwalk Repair
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Landscape conservation partners at Konza Prairie
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Conservation partners from the EPA, the Service, the Nature Conservancy and others admire the largest contiguous prairie left in the U.S.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting a Monarch Garden
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Planting for Butterflies
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Girl with Fish
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Boy with Catfish
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Boys with Fish
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Urban Kids Fishing Derby
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Boy with Fish
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Federal Wildlife Officer Ryan Pauly
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Spotted Gar
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Biological Science Technician, Nick Steimel, working at one of the remote treatment application sites.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Biological Science Technician Nick Steimel measures the amount of lampricide entering the stream to ensure its effective at targeting sea lampreys while minimizing impacts on non-target species.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
We are a science based agency. Determining pH levels in treatment streams allow crews to use the right amount of lampricide to target sea lampreys while minimizing non-target impacts.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Jenna Tews (L) and Shawn Nowicki (R) discuss treatment locations during the 2015 Conneaut Creek treatment.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Sea lamprey ladies! (Pictured: Fish Biologists Shawn Nowicki, Cheryl Kaye and Mary Henson.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Looking good in those waders. Fish Biologists Shawn Nowicki, Cheryl Kaye and Mary Henson check sea lamprey traps in the Grand River, Ohio.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Supervisory Fish Biologist Shawn Nowicki observing the Conneaut Creek for non-target species.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region:
Fish Biologists Cheryl Kaye and Mary Henson identify non-target species collected in Fish Creek, a tributary of the Conneaut Creek.