USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Secretary Jewell (right) and Mayor of Imperial Beach Jim Janney
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Joseph Brandt with CA Condor
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Shorebirds at San Diego National Wildlife Refuge
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Left to right: Secretary of Interior Sally Jewel, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office Field Supervisor Steve Henry, Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Project Leader Michael Brady
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Hopper Mountain NWR and Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office staff with Secretary Jewell
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: USFWS staff from across southern California with Director Dan Ashe
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: USFWS Director Dan Ashe with Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge's Joseph Brandt and Michael Brady
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Left to right: Steve Henry of Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office; Dan Ashe, USFWS Director; and Joseph Brandt of Hopper Mountain NWR
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Ventura FWO Field Supervisor Steve Henry with Director Dan Ashe
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Ventura FWO and Hopper Mountain NWR staff with Santa Barbara Zoo CEO Rich Block
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Director Ashe with Girl Scouts.
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Students from Los Angeles Wildlife Refuge Partnership.
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: USFWS Director Dan Ashe talks about importance of connecting people with nature
USFWS Pacific Southwest Region: Secretary Sally Jewel announces $1 million grant for SoCal Urban Refuge Initiative