USFCA School of Education:
After breakfast- drawing table 2; student Neveah Gibson (MZ) in foreground
USFCA School of Education:
After breakfast_MZ coordinator Marco Diaz leading "Connect Four" tournament
USFCA School of Education:
After breakfast_high school intern Mewal Behir leads game of "Uno"
USFCA School of Education:
After breakfast - drawing table
USFCA School of Education:
USF:Mo MAGIC team building; Rochambeau championship; won by Teresa Bowe
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_USF:MoMAGIC joint planning mtg; Joe Calderon (MZ) facilitating
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 3-5_USF:MoMAGIC joint planning mtg; Allison Ambrozy (MZ) facilitating
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_students; Teresa Bowe's classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_students working on research of natural disasters, student Varcaryon Johnson (PH) in foreground
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_students share research reports; Teresa Bowe's classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_students share research reports 2; Teresa Bowe's classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_student Aaliyah Williams (MZ)
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Sheryl Davis, dir of MoMAGIC talks w students
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Sacred Writing Time begins day in T Bowe's classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Parents Open House_Jessie Knowles
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Parent looks at student work; Teresa Bowe's classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Opening activity in T Bowe's classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Open house display; Teresa Bowe's classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_MATR candidate Teresa Bowe teaches "inference"
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_MATR candidate Teresa Bowe talking with parent at Open House
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_MATR candidate Jessie Knowles w students
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_MATR candidate Eunice Lee conducts reading assessment
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Jessie Knowles class-2
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_Jessie Knowles class-1
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-8_display of student work; Jessie Knowles' classroom
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 6-7_MATR candidate Jessie Knowles supporting online research
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 5_O& L candidate Casey McKinnon works w student on writing
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 5_laptops_Caroline Zoba
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 5_Casey McKinnon, O & L MA candidate
USFCA School of Education:
Gr 4-5_Student awarding points; MATR candidate Alicia Signori's classroom