U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Night in the Abdijkerk loosduinen
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Reverend Wietske Verkuijl of the Protestant Church of Loosduinen
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Night in the Abdijkerk loosduinen
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Soprano Ellen Heilbron performs
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
The choir, directed by Albert-Jan van der Neut
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Soprano Ellen de Jonge and violinist Tomasz Aleksander Plusa
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Night in the Abdijkerk loosduinen
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Violinist Tomasz Aleksander Plusa
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
The choir directed by Mr. Albert-Jan van der Neut.
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Night in the Abdijkerk loosduinen
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Solo performance by Mr. Arie Oosterbaan.
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Event initiator Mr. Arie Oosterbaan thanks Ambassador Hoekstra
U.S. Embassy The Hague:
Ambassador Hoekstra thanks a member of the choir.