U.S. Department of Transportation: Peoria Journal Transcript to Harry Truman
U.S. Department of Transportation: Peoria Journal Transcript to Harry Truman 2
U.S. Department of Transportation: PresTruman driving train
U.S. Department of Transportation: with Mayor of Independence
U.S. Department of Transportation: addressing KC Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Department of Transportation: with KC Chamber of Commerce President
U.S. Department of Transportation: with Bike Walk KC and Sarah Shipley
U.S. Department of Transportation: Looking at photo with Bogart and Bacall
U.S. Department of Transportation: KC Chamber of Commerce Q and A
U.S. Department of Transportation: Truman desk close-up
U.S. Department of Transportation: Photo of Bess held together by paper clips
U.S. Department of Transportation: Examining Truman's work desk
U.S. Department of Transportation: Truman office with visitors behind glass
U.S. Department of Transportation: meeting Truman Library director
U.S. Department of Transportation: Arriving at Truman Library
U.S. Department of Transportation: listening to KC transportation leaders
U.S. Department of Transportation: with KC transportation leaders
U.S. Department of Transportation: Senator McCaskill speaking to KC transportaton leaders