Bureau of Reclamation:
Big Bend-Colorado River
Bureau of Reclamation:
bird banding along lower Colorado River
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bob Marshall Wilderness
Bureau of Reclamation:
Boise Project
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bureau of Reclamation:
Buff Bill Dam Access Tunnel
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bull Trout
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bull Trout Being Tagged
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bureau of Reclamation Denver Office - Take Your Child to Work Day
Bureau of Reclamation:
Burrowing Owl
Bureau of Reclamation:
C.A.S.T. Event at Strawberry Reservoir
Bureau of Reclamation:
Cactus Flowers
Bureau of Reclamation:
Chain of Life. Photo by DeborahWright, Reclamation
Bureau of Reclamation:
Collared Lizard near Lugert Dike.
Bureau of Reclamation:
Columbia River - Low Clouds
Bureau of Reclamation:
Commissioner Mike Connor with Interior Secretary Sally Jewell
Bureau of Reclamation:
Creek Below Many Glacier
Bureau of Reclamation:
Dangling Rope Marina
Bureau of Reclamation:
desert tortoise
Bureau of Reclamation:
Dragon and Damselflies
Bureau of Reclamation:
Dragonflies at New Melones Lake
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bureau of Reclamation:
Estes Powerplant elk 2
Bureau of Reclamation:
Fish Weir at Nimbus Fish Hatchery
Bureau of Reclamation:
Fish Weir Installation: North Fork, Boise River
Bureau of Reclamation:
Fremont Canyon Bridge
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bureau of Reclamation:
Gibson Dam Spillway
Bureau of Reclamation:
Glacier National Park
Bureau of Reclamation:
Glacier National Park (2)