U.S. Army Europe: Watching a shura meeting
U.S. Army Europe: Say cheese
U.S. Army Europe: Shura meeting
U.S. Army Europe: Standing guard
U.S. Army Europe: SGT David Sworobowicz
U.S. Army Europe: Taking a break
U.S. Army Europe: Talking about the exercise
U.S. Army Europe: Discussing operations
U.S. Army Europe: Telling a joke
U.S. Army Europe: Describing helicopter performance
U.S. Army Europe: Checking out the Mi-24 Hind helicopter
U.S. Army Europe: Inside the Hind
U.S. Army Europe: Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams
U.S. Army Europe: Cultural day
U.S. Army Europe: Interviewing the commander
U.S. Army Europe: Entire BagramX formation
U.S. Army Europe: Pass in review
U.S. Army Europe: Opening speech
U.S. Army Europe: Saluting the flag
U.S. Army Europe: Reviewing the troops2
U.S. Army Europe: Reviewing the troops
U.S. Army Europe: Inspecting the troops
U.S. Army Europe: Working as a team
U.S. Army Europe: JMRC evaluator watching interview
U.S. Army Europe: Ukrainian observers
U.S. Army Europe: GNN interview
U.S. Army Europe: I have a question
U.S. Army Europe: Taking the photo
U.S. Army Europe: LTG Hertling meets with Polish generals