U.S. Army Europe: Polish and US Army leaders salute the color guard and flag
U.S. Army Europe: Opening ceremonies
U.S. Army Europe: MG Biziewski makes opening comments
U.S. Army Europe: Saluting MG Biziewski, the exercise director
U.S. Army Europe: SGM and soldiers salute Polish band
U.S. Army Europe: Marching during opening ceremonies
U.S. Army Europe: Col Haerr talks to village elder scenario
U.S. Army Europe: Richardson and Wit talking
U.S. Army Europe: Shura meeting
U.S. Army Europe: Shura meeting2
U.S. Army Europe: Global News Network reporter interviewing Polish PAO
U.S. Army Europe: LTC Kinde Interview
U.S. Army Europe: Walking to shura meeting
U.S. Army Europe: BG Miller talks to Polish General
U.S. Army Europe: BG Miller talks to Bagram IX Chief of Staff
U.S. Army Europe: CJTF-101 guys
U.S. Army Europe: SSG Cramer and Polish Major
U.S. Army Europe: Military Liaisons - Bagram.2
U.S. Army Europe: Multinational Military Leaders @ BagramIX, March2011
U.S. Army Europe: Maj. Ortiz talking to Capt. Kaszkowiak
U.S. Army Europe: Soldiers on guard at Bagram IX exercise area
U.S. Army Europe: Waiting for the rest