USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Using traditional song and dance to spread wildlife conservation message.
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
KWS World Wildlife day
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Theatre Group perfroming a wildlife conservation song.
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Ranger Chrisitine
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Ambassador Robert F. Godec
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Kitili Mbathi, Director General, KWS.
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Prof.Judy Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources.
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Samuel Kuntai Ole Tunai, Governor, Narok County
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
U.S Ambassador Robert F. Godec
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Ole Tipis Girls High School students
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
KWS Rangers