USAID Kenya and East Africa:
David Oniang’I Wanga maintains a kitchen garden to help support 3 OVCs, who are his nieces and nephews orphaned when his sister and brother died of AIDS.
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
David Oniang’I Wanga maintains a kitchen garden to help support 3 OVCs, who are his nieces and nephews orphaned when his sister and brother died of AIDS
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
David Oniang’I Wanga is the guardian of his nephew, Wellington, whose parents died of AIDS
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Oliver Juma volunteers in a greenhouse that generates cash for scholarships for orphans of AIDS
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Cash generated by the sale of greenhouse tomatoes provides scholarships to orphans
USAID Kenya and East Africa:
Joanne Musungo supports herself and two younger sisters by selling greenhouse tomatoes in the village