USAID Kenya and East Africa: USAID promotes growing alternative staple crops in Kenya such as sorghum
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Sorghum is a nutritious alternative to maize
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Siranga farmers visit VBA sorghum demo
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Feed the Future helps Kenyan farmers test alternative staple crops
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Margaret Okelo Oduol is proud to be testing soybeans as an alternative crop to maize
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Amukeni CBO works with Feed the Future to grow soy beans for school nutrition program
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Feed the Future promotes the use of mobile technology to access market prices for produce
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Samuel Odiambo shows height of sorghum
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Cornelia Ossare is proud to grow sweet potatoes as an alternative to maize
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Children eat sweet potatoes in Siranga village in Ugenya
USAID Kenya and East Africa: Apollo Onyango keeps records for the Amukeni CBO. They have a contract to sell soya products to local schools