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Participants discuss a point during the conference
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Dr. Faisal Bari presenting a conference souvenir to a guest speaker
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Jacaranda tree at LUMS, the conference venue
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Representative from Akhuwat
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Delegate Tasneem Athar, representing CAMPE, Bangladesh
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Chairman Punjab Education Foundation Raja Anwar during the Q&A session
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Delegate Marie Leznicki from the Bridge International Academies, Kenya
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Front row extreme right: Former Punjab Education Minister Mian Imran Masud at the conference
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Guest speaker receiving a shield
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Delegate from India Sujatha Muthayya reviews her presentation before the session starts
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Presenting case studies from different countries
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Left to right: Delegates Tasneem Athar(Bangladesh), Sujatha Muthayya (India) and Kayhan Karli (Turkey) presenting case studies from their respective countries
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Dr. Faisal Bari, from LUMS, presenting a shield to Tasneem Athar from Bangladesh
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Following group discussions, a team leader notes down the recommendations
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Participants at the conference
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A group leader presenting the recommendations
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Conference participants
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Recommendations being presented by a group leader after the breakout sessions
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A team leader reading out his group's suggestions
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A participant representing his group following the breakout sessions
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Dr. Faisal Bari of LUMS presenting the concluding remarks
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Senior Development Advisor Sajjad Moghal, USAID Lahore office, makes concluding remarks
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Delegate Marie Leznicki with a conference participant