USAID Pakistan:
Dates Dost Program: Pakistan is the fifth largest producer of dates in the world and dates are the third largest horticulture crop grown with an annual production of 550,000 to 650,000 metric tons. But improper post-harvest handling and barely any disease
USAID Pakistan:
Dates Dost Program: Date farming and processing is a developing industry in Pakistan, with a growing international market share of around 6 to 8 percent. USAID through its Firms Project is leveraging on resources and expertise in increasing sales revenue
USAID Pakistan:
Dates Dost Program: Azam Dates Farm, Khairpur, is benefitting from USAID's assistance to increase the economic value of dates grown on 13 acres of land, owned and cultivated by Sualeh Bhutto. The partner SME (small and medium enterprise) has been recently
USAID Pakistan:
Dates Dost Program: USAID's partner farm SME, (small and medium enterprise), Kaleemullah Dates Farm, Khairpur, is all set on the road to prosperity with the introduction of modern post harvest techniques and equipment such as solar tunnel dryers. The farm