USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls along with Ambassador Cameron Munter and Dr. Marilyn Wyatt
USAID Pakistan: Entrepreneurs project Chief of Party while briefing project details to Dr. Shah
USAID Pakistan: Chief of Party Entrepreneurs project, Agnes Luz while briefing project details
USAID Pakistan: _DSC0098
USAID Pakistan: Dairy project benificiary sharing her experiances with Dr. Shah
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Shah while interacting with the Entrepreneurs Dairy project benificiaries
USAID Pakistan: Engro representative briefing Dairy project details to Dr. Shah
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Shah and Ambassador Munter
USAID Pakistan: ICI representative while briefing his role under the Entrepreneurs Dairy project
USAID Pakistan: The Entrepreneurs Project [Dairy sector beneficiaries] while interacting with Dr. Shah
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah visiting Entrepreneurs project stalls
USAID Pakistan: Dr. Rajiv Shah while adressing the media