USAID_IMAGES: Pallets of boxes with humanitarian assistance supplies are loaded onto a truck.
USAID_IMAGES: WFP Jordan Country Director Alberto Correia Mendes and Administrator Power shake hands in the warehouse.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power asks a question during the tour of the warehouse. There are stacked pallets of boxes of humanitarian supplies behind her.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power asks a question during the tour of the warehouse. There are stacked pallets of boxes of humanitarian supplies behind her.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power hears about the work of the Logistic Cluster.
USAID_IMAGES: WFP Jordan Country Director Alberto Correia Mendes, USAID Administrator Samantha Power, UN Senior Humanitarian Coordinator for Gaza Sigrid Kaag, USAID staff, and WFP staff participate in the tour.
USAID_IMAGES: WFP Jordan Country Director Alberto Correia Mendes and Administrator Power have a conversation in the warehouse.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power and Ziad Ghnaimat, Director of Antiquities of Irbid Governorate shake hands at Um Qais Archeological Site.
USAID_IMAGES: Jordanian Minister of Water and Irrigation Raed Abu Soud and Administrator Power tour Um Qais Archeological Site.
USAID_IMAGES: Adassyah Diversion Weir.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power and Jordanian Minister of Water and Irrigation Raed Abu Soud have a conversation while overlooking the Addasyah Diversion Weir.
USAID_IMAGES: The outlet of Dajania pipeline into the King Abudullah Canal
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power takes a photo with the USAID Yemen team.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power participates in the town hall meeting alongside Ambassador Yael Lempert and Mission Director Leslie Reed, and Deputy Assistant Administrator Jeanne Pryor.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power listens to a question posed by an audience member.
USAID_IMAGES: Ambassador Yael Lempert and Administrator Samantha Power have a meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah II and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein.
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power walks at the Allenby Bridge crossing
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power and Amb. Lew shake hands
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power has a conversation with humanitarian partners
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power and USAID’s peacebuilding partners have a conversation at a dinner
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power is shown damage from the attack
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power is shown damage from the attack
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power is shown damage from the attack
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power is shown damage from the attack
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power and a member of the Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding community embrace
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power pays respect for lives lost
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power pays respect for lives lost
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power near Kerem Shalom border crossing
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power near Kerem Shalom border crossing
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power stands and has a conversation with a group of staff members