USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power gives a speech on the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power gives a speech on the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power gives a speech on the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power gives a speech on the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power and Assistant Administrator Gawande discuss the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power and Assistant Administrator Gawande discuss the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power, Assistant Administrator Gawande, and CGD Executive Vice President Glassman discuss the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: CGD Executive Vice President Glassman, Administrator Power, and Assistant Administrator Gawande
USAID_IMAGES: CGD Executive Vice President Glassman, Administrator Power, and Assistant Administrator Gawande
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power gives a speech on the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power gives a speech on the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: Administrator Power gives a speech on the status of global health
USAID_IMAGES: An audience member takes a photo of Administrator Power