USAID_IMAGES: Overlooking the Village
USAID_IMAGES: Meet Susan, an 11 year old survivor of sexual violence in DRC
USAID_IMAGES: Scene of the crime, in her own home
USAID_IMAGES: Clinic in Bunyakiri, DRC
USAID_IMAGES: A patient at the health clinic in Bunyakiri, DRC
USAID_IMAGES: Nurse Norbert Chambu treats approximately 5 SGBV patients per week in his clinic in Bunyakiri, DRC. Here he shows a box of Zidovudine -- a drug perscribed to victims of SGBV to prevent the contraction of HIV/AIDS
USAID_IMAGES: Nurse Norbert Chambu treats approximately five victims of SGBV a week
USAID_IMAGES: Nurse Norbert Chambu shows a box of medicine given to SGBV victims to prevent HIV/AIDS
USAID_IMAGES: Nurse Norbert Chambu treats approximately five victims of SGBV a week
USAID_IMAGES: Susan's father speaks out about the crime against his daughter
USAID_IMAGES: Susan's father speaks out about the crime against his daughter
USAID_IMAGES: Meet Psychosocial Counselor, Philomena Bisengo
USAID_IMAGES: Meet Psychosocial Counselor, Philomena Bisengo
USAID_IMAGES: Philomena shares stories of her work with victims of sexual and gender-based violence
USAID_IMAGES: Meet Psychosocial Counselor, Philomena Bisengo
USAID_IMAGES: Phelomena talks with a patient in the Bunyakiri Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: 11 year-old SGBV survivor and her mother
USAID_IMAGES: Susan weaves baskets to support her family
USAID_IMAGES: Cooking while talking about a difficult subject
USAID_IMAGES: Baskets help build a bridge to recovery
USAID_IMAGES: Weaving baskets
USAID_IMAGES: Susan shares her story of sexual violence