USAID_IMAGES: Reviewing urban regeneration plans
USAID_IMAGES: Assessing the temporary school structure constructed by USAID
USAID_IMAGES: Students and teachers line up to welcome DAA Manpreet Anand
USAID_IMAGES: Locals begin the process of demolishing damaged building in Sakhu
USAID_IMAGES: Khokana village, on the outskirts of Kathmandu valley
USAID_IMAGES: Assessing the damage
USAID_IMAGES: Mission Dunford Beth Dunford addresses students
USAID_IMAGES: USAID/OFDA Team Leader briefs visiting team
USAID_IMAGES: Mission Dunford Beth Dunford addresses students
USAID_IMAGES: Local sifting through the rubble of their homes
USAID_IMAGES: DAA Manpreet Anand greeted by students
USAID_IMAGES: USAID/Nepal Mission shares laughter and smiles with a student