USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: A patient admitted to the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic resting in his bed with an IV
USAID_IMAGES: Health care workers put on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before going into the hot zone at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: A health care worker asks a family to step aside as he opens the door for an ambulance exiting the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: The U.N. World Food Program distributes USAID-donated rice in West Point -- a township of 20,000 - 80,000 that has been one of the hardest hit by the Ebola epidemic
USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: The entrance for health care workers going into the Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) at the newly opened Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: One of the two generators USAID donated to power the Ebola response at the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: Cecilia, nurse at the Island Clinic Liberia 09.20.14
USAID_IMAGES: Physicians Assistants at the Island Clinic, Liberia, check which shift they are on for Ebola treatment 09.20.14
USAID_IMAGES: Lawrence and Daniel, hygienists at Island Clinic, Liberia 09.20.14
USAID_IMAGES: An Ebola patient rests on his bed inside the patient area at the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: A health care worker checks on patients admitted to the Ebola Treatment Unit in Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: The entrance for ambulances and patients at the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: One of the two generators USAID donated to power the Ebola response at the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: Health workers in PPE wait to enter the hot zone at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: Health care workers check on a patient admitted to the Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) at the newly opened Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: Health care workers in the Ebola Isolation Unit at Island clinic keep the area washed down with chlorine water
USAID_IMAGES: One of the two generators USAID donated to power the Ebola response at the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic
USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: Staff at Island Clinic wash clothes of health workers after they have gone into the Ebola Treatment Unit
USAID_IMAGES: The U.N. World Food Program distributes USAID-donated rice in West Point -- a township of 20,000 - 80,000 that has been one of the hardest hit by the Ebola epidemic