USAID Indonesia: USAID Health Services Project
USAID Indonesia: USAID Maternal Child Health Program.
USAID Indonesia: A Papuan woman and her child.
USAID Indonesia: Mother and Child.
USAID Indonesia: A mother and child at a USAID funded house.
USAID Indonesia: USAID Mother Child Health Project
USAID Indonesia: Proud mother and her health baby.
USAID Indonesia: Mother and her healthy baby.
USAID Indonesia: A village birthing post in Aceh Besar
USAID Indonesia: USAID Celebrates Indonesia's Mother's Day
USAID Indonesia: USAID Celebrates Indonesia's Mother's Day
USAID Indonesia: USAID Celebrates Indonesia's Mother's Day
USAID Indonesia: U.S.-Indonesia Research Study on Maternal Health
USAID Indonesia: U.S.-Indonesia Research Study on Maternal Health
USAID Indonesia: A mother holds her baby while visiting Puskesmas Sentani for health check.
USAID Indonesia: An indigenous Papuan woman and her child are standing in front of puskesmas
USAID Indonesia: A baby happily drinking safe water while his mother looks at him lovingly.
USAID Indonesia: Monitoring baby's weight
USAID Indonesia: Healthy Children
USAID Indonesia: Children in Aceh
USAID Indonesia: The Love of My Life
USAID Indonesia: Providing newborn with the best care
USAID Indonesia: Welcoming a new life with the best care possible
USAID Indonesia: One Happy Family!
USAID Indonesia: Penguatan Layanan Rujukan untuk Menyelamatkan Jiwa Ibu dan Bayi
USAID Indonesia: USAID Maternal Neonatal Project Launch
USAID Indonesia: Kelahiran Bayi yang Sehat Menjadi Harapan Semua Ibu
USAID Indonesia: Kelahiran Bayi yang Sehat Menjadi Harapan Semua Ibu
USAID Indonesia: Tenaga Kesehatan Berada di Garis Depan Kesehatan Ibu dan Bayi Baru Lahir
USAID Indonesia: Kelahiran Bayi yang Sehat Menjadi Harapan Semua Ibu