USAG Stuttgart: James Turner MVP USAG Stuttgart 2011 All Star Game
USAG Stuttgart: Brittany Carlson, Citizen, interviews James Turner
USAG Stuttgart: Mr. Matt Gilliard, Sports Coordinator, Patch Athletic Center
USAG Stuttgart: All Star Players
USAG Stuttgart: James Turner, Halftime 3-Point Champion and Game's MVP
USAG Stuttgart: Mr Matt Gilliard present James Turner with MVP trophy
USAG Stuttgart: 3-Point Competition at Halftime
USAG Stuttgart: Red All Star Team struggles to catch up to Blue during the second half.
USAG Stuttgart: James Turner (blue) guards James McAllster (red)
USAG Stuttgart: Brian Beam takes a break from the excitement during the second half.
USAG Stuttgart: Doug Sweeting attempts to make his way past a sea of red jerseys.
USAG Stuttgart: Larrier Walker attempts to win the 3-point competition
USAG Stuttgart: Mark Wilson shoots balls in rapid succession during the half-time 3-point competition.
USAG Stuttgart: 3-Point Competition
USAG Stuttgart: Paul Keels shoots from the 3-point line during the halftime competition
USAG Stuttgart: Rapid Fire During Three Point Competition
USAG Stuttgart: James McAlister shoots a rapids succession of basketballs during the halftime 3-Point Competition
USAG Stuttgart: James Turner wins the 3-Point Competition during the USAG Stuttgart 2011 All Star Game
USAG Stuttgart: Chris Jackson looks on in disbelief as one of his 3-point shots misses the mark.
USAG Stuttgart: Chris Jackson shoots balls in rapid succession during the halftime 3-Point Competition
USAG Stuttgart: Chris Jackson from the 3-point line.
USAG Stuttgart: Doug Sweeting leaps above his opponents and teammates during the USAG Stuttgart All Star Basketball Tournament
USAG Stuttgart: James McAlister attempts to block Doug Sweeting shot during the USAG All Star Basketball Tournament.
USAG Stuttgart: Mark Wilson shoots from the 3-point line.
USAG Stuttgart: Chris Jackson (blue) drives past opponents during the USAG Stuttgart All Star Basketball Game.
USAG Stuttgart: Beginning game tipoff as Chris Jackson (#3 blue) and Brian Beam (#22 Red) compete for the tip.
USAG Stuttgart: Coach Mark Innes gives his team some pre-game pointers during the USAG Stuttgart All Star Competition.
USAG Stuttgart: Doug Sweeting comes in for the slam dunk during some pre-game practice.
USAG Stuttgart: Doug Sweeting during Pre-Game Practice
USAG Stuttgart: Doug Sweeting during Pre-Game Practice